Soon the viral video ‘The Bollywood Diva Song’ starring Kangana Ranaut was released, the video gained widespread attention for a number of different reasons. And one of them was the highlighting of the rampant sexism and objectification in Bollywood. Let’s discuss this in the context of the video briefly. The whole mock dance number shows the stereotypical way in which female …
Tag: sexism
Casual Sexism and Item Bomb Milkshakes
From ‘Hot Fudge Bipasha’ To ‘Katrina’s Mango’, on this sexist menu, customers can choose from a list of “Item Bombs.” In Hyderabad, the restaurant chain “Ohri’s Eatmor Coffee Shop” is synonymous with great food, drinks, and quirky decor. However, the Banjara Hills branch took sexism to another level when it decided to name milkshakes after Hollywood and Bollywood woman celebrities. The bizarre …