Original article, Digital Journal, Baisakhi Roy The horrific rape of a student in India in December 2012 sent shockwaves throughout the nation. It also made an indelible impression on economist Shruti Kapoor who decided to set up a platform for women with all things related to personal safety. For the past year Shruti Kapoor has been working to set up Sayfty, …
Author: Gargi Shinde
Dr. Shruti Kapoor Featured in The Alternative
Anti Rape Underwear? No, I Won’t Keep My Vagina Under a Lock AR Wear’s Indiegogo campaign has raised $52,442 USD. While the campaign and the idea of such a product has touched on the nerves of many feminists, the 2172 funders of the campaign are nothing short of excited and grateful at the prospect of an anti-rape underwear. The new anti-rape underwear, …
World Bank Economist Starts a Website for Women’s Safety
Original article: Hindustan Times, Mumbai, Sumedha Rao Like the rest of the nation, Shruti Kapoor too was horrified when she found out about the infamous Delhi rape incident in December 2012. The case stirred her into action and she decided to do something to empower women. “That’s how the idea for my website came about,” says Kapoor. Her venture, Sayfty.com, …
Tips to Stay Safe as a Woman
While nothing can guarantee absolute safety for women, there are certain precautions women can take to reduce the risk of crimes against them. Trust your instinct Many women ignore their intuition because it is so quick and doesn’t take place at a conscious level. But it can save your life. When that little voice in the back of your head …