Original article: Hindustan Times, Mumbai, Sumedha Rao
Like the rest of the nation, Shruti Kapoor too was horrified when she found out about the infamous Delhi rape incident in December 2012. The case stirred her into action and she decided to do something to empower women.
“That’s how the idea for my website came about,” says Kapoor. Her venture, Sayfty.com, aims to be a virtual community centre of sorts where women, and even men, can go to get more information about being safe.
From self-defence tools to discussion fora, the site aims to educate and train women to take their safety into their own hands. “We have sections on the laws pertaining to women’s issues, myths about eve-teasing and rape and even a soon-to-be-launched e-store where you can buy safety products,” says the former World Bank economist. The site has a section where guest bloggers share tips on how to protect oneself and another where one can start conversations about related issues. “We’re looking to add more bloggers and possibly rope in celebrities to spread the word,” says Kapoor. “We’re not only targeting women but also want men to be part of this wider debate.”
The site’s online store will go live by the end of August and you can purchase pepper sprays, foghorns and stun guns from it. Kapoor plans on using social media to further promote the cause. Through Sayfty’s Twitter (@SayftyCom) and Facebook (facebook.com/Sayfty) pages, she wants to further her purpose. “Anyone is free to get in touch with us through these media and share their views about safety. We want to involve as many people as we can in this mission,” she says.