As I sat in one of Uganda’s most prestigious universities with my multi-cultural co-workers trying to raise awareness about women’s reproductive health, I had the most cringe-worthy moment of my life. As we answered questions about how condoms and religion don’t agree with each other, a guy in his mid-20s told us we should talk to the women exclusively. When …
Category: News
Feminism In India

Every year for international women’s day, WhatsApp is flooded with forwarding messages about women. Their importance, their achievements, and an ever long reasons for them to be celebrated. One said, “A beautiful woman draws strength from troubles, smiled during distress and grown stronger with prayers and hope. You are one of them. Wishing you a very Happy Women’s day.” …
The Informal Justice System, Panchayat

A few weeks ago, one of Times of India’s headlines read, “UP woman tied up, thrashed on panchayat’s order; molested”. I received this video as a part of a forward message thread. Amongst these angry and reasonably reacting people were people, who supported the panchayat’s decision. They wanted everyone to honor the decision of a panchayat since this sort of …
Shut Up Or Be Shamed

India is a diverse country and full of contradictions. On one side we have a long history of influential women leaders while on the other, girls and women are asked to dress in a certain way to not entice men into raping them. Women are sacred only for as long as they follow a prescribed outline of how to look, …
The Nirbhaya fund, an act of publicity?

Six years after, men, women and kids alike protested the lax laws and their enforcement for sexual assault in India, but how much has it changed? Rape cases are reported every week, without consequences. These instances are cruel and too brutal to explain to a kid, yet girls across the country are going put through these scarring and life-threatening experiences. …
Bollywood and it’s Long term Commitment to Sexism
New Age media has repeatedly published articles about the problems with Bollywood. About how movies portray actresses, awards, and the million things that are related to Bollywood and our society. This article comes with the hope of making a difference, however small. It comes from a desire that women everywhere can watch a movie and be entertained instead of being infuriated, …
Dr. Shruti Kapoor is a Recipient of “International Woman of the Year” Award, Italy
Italian news articles: PREMIO DONNA DELL’ANNO: Aicha Belco Maiga vincitrice della 17esima edizione: “…La terza finalista, alla quale sono stati assegnati 10.000 euro, è stata l’imprenditrice indiana Shruti Kapoor, impegnata nei servizi per la sicurezza per donne e ragazze del suo Paese.«Puntare l’attenzione dell’opinione pubblica sulle storie di queste tre donne significa non soltanto aiutarle a concretizzare i loro progetti, ma …
Sayfty Featured in WomenNow – NGOs Empowering Women in India
Women have been asking for our rights for centuries. Till today, we still have thousands of women who are fighting for their rights. We still have cases, where women are being beaten daily. Women are still being raped and have to keep quiet. They have to bear the shame and injustice done to them. Women are still deprived of education, …
Sayfty Featured at The Red Elephant Foundation
Making Sayfty Real Originally posted, Red Elephant Foundation Given the number of incidents one hears about, reads about, and watches reports of, on the news, it doesn’t take much effort to really arrive at the true conclusion: that safety is still elusive. Instead of sitting back and attempting to reach out to safety through measures doled out by another, Shruti …
Dr. Shruti Kapoor is a Recipient of the International “The Woman of the Year” Award, Italy
The Indian entrepreneur Shruti Kapoor received the prize – an amount of 10.000,00 euros – during the final Ceremony of the 17th edition of the International Award “The Woman of the Year”. Shruti is engaged in safety services for women and girls in her country: in 2013 she founded Sayfty to help Indian women protect themselves against violence, providing support …