Introduction I love Ramadan. It has undoubtedly always been my favourite month of the year. Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims worldwide. All throughout the month, Muslims fast every day from dawn till sunset. Ramadan, for me, means a chance to strengthen my relationship with God. An opportunity to repent and a time to revel in good deeds. Growing up, …
Tag: equality
Saudi Arabia, Progressing Forward Into 2018

Saudi Arabia’s Evolution Towards Equality Women in the United States today, undoubtedly, experience gender-based discrimination. From abortion rights, to the wage gap, to victim blaming for sexual assault – the list goes on. We certainly have no shortage of social issues to tackle in 2018. However, not to minimize anyone’s feelings or plights, most countries have it statistically worse than …
Girl’s Education as a Priority
Girl’s education is not considered a priority worldwide, this needs to change! Finals are coming up and the stress of exams and essays is starting to set in. Sometimes I catch myself wishing school would be over and I wouldn’t have to worry about assignments or going to class. In these moments, I realize I take education for granted far …
Girl's Education as a Priority
Girl’s education is not considered a priority worldwide, this needs to change! Finals are coming up and the stress of exams and essays is starting to set in. Sometimes I catch myself wishing school would be over and I wouldn’t have to worry about assignments or going to class. In these moments, I realize I take education for granted far …