The last article of the #HashtagTrilogy aims to finish on a more positive note. Therefore in this article, I’ll be focusing on the hashtag #ToTheGirls. What is the #ToTheGirls hashtag? The hashtag #ToTheGirls was started in April 2015 by author Courtney Summers. It allows older women to impart positive advice and encouragement to younger girls struggling with the myriad of …
Tag: women of color
Objectification and Sexism in Bollywood – The Bollywood Diva Song
Soon the viral video ‘The Bollywood Diva Song’ starring Kangana Ranaut was released, the video gained widespread attention for a number of different reasons. And one of them was the highlighting of the rampant sexism and objectification in Bollywood. Let’s discuss this in the context of the video briefly. The whole mock dance number shows the stereotypical way in which female …
UnfairandLovely – the importance for women to get behind this hashtag!
For years, the push of white western beauty standards means that fair skin is entrenched as the beauty ideal in many countries across the world – particularly in India. This has led to the launch of numerous products such as skin lightening pills and creams, offering to make user ‘more attractive’. Adverts imply that having lighter skin will make you more attractive …
Women of Color in Game of Thrones: A Show of Underrepresentation
Game of Thrones finally shows women of color and they’re getting killed. Game of Thrones has been the focal point of countless posts on social media and blog sites since its season 7 premier on July 16, 2017. It feels like it’s almost impossible for me to get on any of my accounts without seeing something related to the show. The show …