Check out the Winners of the First-ever #Femvertising Awards, Honoring Advertising that Challenges Gender Stereotypes.
Original article, Valentina Zarya, Fortune
This seems to be the year that advertisers finally woke up the fact that the people buying stuff—85% of the people buying stuff, in fact—are women. A growing number of ads are breaking away from tired gender stereotypes and presenting women and women’s products in a way consumers can actually relate to.
The ad industry has also stepped up, recognizing these campaigns with new awards, like the Glass Lion, which was presented to the best ad to tackle gender inequality issues at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity in March. Now, the #Femvertising Awards, presented at the #BlogHer15: Experts Among US conference on Friday, have created a similar honor.
“Advertisers have a responsibility to shape the conversation,” said Samantha Skey, chief revenue and marketing officer of SheKnows Media, the women’s lifestyle digital media company responsible for both the #Femvertising Awards and #BlogHer15. “As a women-focused company, we felt we had an opportunity to encourage a more positive discussion in the media,” she said.
The People’s Choice award was chosen by voters and given to Indian women’s safety awareness website Sayfty, while the Hatch Award winner Sport England was selected by participants in SheKnows’ digital storytelling and media literacy program for kids. The WildFire Award was dedicated to L’Oreal’s “Women of Worth” initiative. Read more: