#SayftyChat: Call Out Culture vs. Call In Culture

call out culture vs call in culture

This week (July 1, 2019) on our Twitter chat, #SayftyChat, we discussed “Call Out Culture vs. Call In Culture” with Vandita Morarka. This week’s chat was focused on the benefits and drawbacks of calling-out versus calling-in.

We had participants join the chat from Nairobi, India, US, Canada, UK, Columbia, and South Africa.

Questions discussed

  1. When you see bad behavior, do you think it’s better to call out the person in public or call-in to them privately?
  2. What are some tips to use if someone decides to call in a person’s harmful behavior?
  3. How do we create a call-in culture when we see harmful behavior since call-out culture is so prevalent today?
  4. Do you think there are situations where calling out bad behavior is more appropriate than calling-in? If so, when?
  5. Do you know of anyone’s harmful behavior changing after being called-out or called-in? Please share, if you’re comfortable!

If you missed the twitter chat on Call Out Culture, here is the recap:

#SayftyChat is a weekly, hour-long, Twitter chat created by Sayfty to explore topics related to women’s safety and prevention of violence against women. So every Monday at 11:00 am ET, we invite an organization/guest that joins us in raising awareness on women’s issues. We field questions to them and to you, the #SayftyChat community. Together, we answer these questions and engage in a dialogue on topics related to women’s safety and ending violence against women.

