#Sayftychat is our weekly Twitter chat that explores topics related to women’s safety and preventing violence against women (#VAW).
This week (May 13, 2019) on our Twitter chat, #SayftyChat, we discussed “Women Human Rights Defenders” (WHRD). This week’s chat was focused on the roles that Women Human Rights Defenders play in fighting for gender equality and the challenges that they face.
We had participants join the chat from Nairobi, India, US, Canada, UK, Columbia, and South Africa.
Questions discussed
1. What do you understand by “Women Human Rights Defenders”. In your opinion what is their role?
2. What are the challenges faced by Women Human Rights Defenders?
3. What are some examples that show how countless women are working to advance systemic change for justice and equality?
4. What needs to shift in order for WHRDs to successfully pursue and achieve their goals?
5. Share an example of how you or your organization has promoted and defended a WHRD.
6. Who are some notable WHRDs in your region?
If you missed the twitter chat, here is the recap
#SayftyChat Recap: “Role & Challenges of Women Human Right Defenders”#SayftyChat Recap: The Roles and Challenges Of Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRD)
#SayftyChat is a weekly, hour-long, Twitter chat created by Sayfty to explore topics related to women’s safety and prevention of violence against women. So every Monday at 11:00 am ET, we invite an organization/guest that joins us in raising awareness on women’s issues. We field questions to them and to you, the #SayftyChat community. Together, we answer these questions and engage in a dialogue on topics related to women’s safety and ending violence against women.