Defining Movements: What actually is "Feminism"?

What is the ACTUAL definition? Per Merriam Webster’s dictionary feminism is “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” In a world  where the media only has time to cover bad apples- movements and concepts like feminism are often misconstrued on a regular basis. Recently there has been an influx of individuals who respond …

Ask For It

For centuries, the phrase “asking for it” has been used to point fingers at women. If a woman is sexually assaulted, we say she was “asking for it” Can a woman own the phrase “asking for it” and transform it into a dynamic tool for increasing happiness and pursuing her dreams? Well, that’s what the book “Ask for it” by …

Un-stereotyping Gender

“Gender stereotypes are what we are forced to conform to in the privacy of our homes”  My Story “You do know that men will always be superior!” I was talking to my friend about her rights and gender equality. She responded with this stereotype statement. Silence replaced my argumentative voice all of a sudden. She had shushed the whole conversation. I …

Be your own Savior: Learn Self-Defense

“The Damsel in Distress theory” Long gone are the days of women waiting to be rescued, or are they? While the media is shedding much-needed light on issues such as rape and harassment, it’s time to start teaching our girls to defend themselves.  Too long has the world relied on bystander involvement and emerging technologies to keep safe. Women and …

Amplifying Our Voices Through Social Media

Social media is making it easier for people to share their stories, express support to each other and build strength in numbers. It’s allowing us to raise awareness, educate each other and reduce social stigmas! We live in a digital age where we are connected 24×7. The Internet is our second life and mobile phones an extension of our personalities. …

Wage Gap in India

In India, the Equal Remuneration Act 1976 is a law that states there must be Equal Pay for Equal Work. In brief, the act highlights: “Duty of the employer to pay equal remuneration to men and women workers for same work or work of a similar nature. — (1) No employer shall pay to any worker, employed by him in …

Raise Our Voices Against Rape

Raising Our Collective Consciousness  Raped, raped, raped. This is what we wake up to every day. Every day, a new victim. Today it might be us, tomorrow you. In light of the recent rape cases in India, we felt we needed to do our part. We felt we needed to speak out and raise awareness. We are students at Treamis …

Child Marriage – A Worldwide Epidemic

The Many Perils of the Child Marriage Trend While the vast majority of countries today have elected 18 as the minimum marrying age, this does not dispel the rising rates of child marriage worldwide. Many of us tend to think that this traumatic practice solely exists in non-Western, developing countries run by evil dictators, this is far from the case. …

Women’s Education – In Need of Reform

What’s wrong with women’s education today? In the United States, it is easy for us to take public education for granted. People tend to air grievances about standardized testing, student loans, abstinence-based sex ed, and myriad other issues regarding U.S. education. These things, among many others, are completely legitimate. My goal here is not to minimize our complaints or stunt …

Women's Education – In Need of Reform

computer and paper

What’s wrong with women’s education today? In the United States, it is easy for us to take public education for granted. People tend to air grievances about standardized testing, student loans, abstinence-based sex ed, and myriad other issues regarding U.S. education. These things, among many others, are completely legitimate. My goal here is not to minimize our complaints or stunt …