This week (July 1, 2019) on our Twitter chat, #SayftyChat, we discussed “Call Out Culture vs. Call In Culture” with Vandita Morarka. This week’s chat was focused on the benefits and drawbacks of calling-out versus calling-in. We had participants join the chat from Nairobi, India, US, Canada, UK, Columbia, and South Africa. Questions discussed When you see bad behavior, do you …
Tag: Social Media
Amplifying Our Voices Through Social Media
Social media is making it easier for people to share their stories, express support to each other and build strength in numbers. It’s allowing us to raise awareness, educate each other and reduce social stigmas! We live in a digital age where we are connected 24×7. The Internet is our second life and mobile phones an extension of our personalities. …
Sexual Harassment on Social Media
“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” We’ve all heard this adage, right? As children, adults recited this to us in response to the bullies we dealt with on the playground. But, here’s a hard truth: Words DO hurt and, in fact, inflict just as much (if not more) damage, with lasting consequences. In today’s modern …