The Psychology of Fear Related to Safety

Personal safety is essential for survival. Everyone experiences fear occasionally, but women often balance caution with anxiety. Unique aspects of women’s lives shape their decisions, routines, and overall experiences. Prioritize personal safety, especially when traveling. Understand the psychology of fear in women and develop skills to feel and stay safe. The Psychological Underpinnings of Women’s Fear Biological and environmental factors …

Shut Up Or Be Shamed

India is a diverse country and full of contradictions. On one side we have a long history of influential women leaders while on the other, girls and women are asked to dress in a certain way to not entice men into raping them. Women are sacred only for as long as they follow a prescribed outline of how to look, …

The Nirbhaya fund, an act of publicity?

Six years after, men, women and kids alike protested the lax laws and their enforcement for sexual assault in India, but how much has it changed? Rape cases are reported every week, without consequences. These instances are cruel and too brutal to explain to a kid, yet girls across the country are going put through these scarring and life-threatening experiences. …

Domestic Violence Awareness… Enough is Enough!

Domestic violence continues to be a widespread issue that must end! Domestic violence is defined as “a pattern of behaviors used by one partner to maintain power and control over another partner in an intimate relationship.” Many people think of the physical side of domestic abuse, but emotional and verbal abuse are both domestic violence. As a result, the physical …

What's Rape Culture? How Does It Affect Women's Safety?

Rape culture is affecting the safety of women and girls and must end. Do you know what rape culture is? Many have probably seen instances of this in day to day life, but don’t recognize it. Rape culture is defined as, “an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence is normalized and excused in the media and popular …

An Urban Tale: Crimes Against Women in Gurgaon

An upsurge in sexual assault against women continues to plague Gurgaon! As I think about how to reiterate my thoughts, I find myself at a loss of words. Not because I don’t know what to say, but because words simply don’t satisfy my emotions. A familiar feeling of a fatigued anger inching towards indifference overcomes me as I read about …